
Curriculum for Life And Hereafter

RC curriculum is based on the calendar and the child’s world. The kids here have two parts in curriculum. First religious and the other is secular studies.

Through developmentally appropriate practice we work to implement the curriculum focusing on the social, physics, intellectual, creative, emotional and spiritual development of each child.

The philosophy behind our curriculum is that children learn best by practicing. Learning requires active thinking experimenting, to find out how things work and to learn first hand about the world in which we live. The main intention of learning for life to make our Hereafter successful. Hence no matter what we learn the main intention will be to get ourselves closer to Allah.

  • To provide an Islamic setting in which your child will feel safe and happy.
  • To use your child’s interests and experiences as the basis for learning and activities.
  • To help your child develop a love for learning ; a love that is deep, wide, and activities.
  • To provide opportunities for your child to learn academic skills through day -to- day activities and through interactive experiences with peers with and adults.
  • To encourage your child’s love for books and foster the pre- reading skills appropriate to his/her stage of development.
  • To provide opportunities for your child to make discoveries and to use them in learning , developing the building blocks for the study of science.
  • To develop your child’s problem-solving abilities, developing the building blocks in the study of mathematics.
  • To encourage your child’s creativity and artistic expression.
  • To encourage your child to ask question, which will be answered sincerely and honestly.
  • To develop your child’s social skills, in both one -on-one larger group settings.
  • To encourage your child to work independently and with his or her peers.
  • To provide learning material and equipment, as well as caring and committed adults, to help your child get the most out of school and themselves.
  • To help your child feel good about him/herself.
  • To prepare him/herself to attain Jannah. In Sha Allah.

With the Grace and Mercy of Allah, We are happy to say that Red Camels has its very own Islamic studies syllabus. The modified syllabus are carefully prepared keeping children as well their age in mind. Allhamdulillah. The syllabus is full of beautiful lessons along with fun activities.

A - Hfz

B - Dua’s

C - Akhlaaq

D - Arabic (Language)

F - Seerah

G - Aqeedah

H - Qissassul Ambiya

I - Qissasul Quran

J - Hadees

K - Tafseer and much more